With our software we have been helping athletes worldwide to become better for 30 years. We optimize the training of club teams as well as top athletes. Our video analysis systems are installed in many Olympic bases. We have already helped some athletes to win gold medals.
Our multicamera systems are individually tailored to the requirements of our customers. Here you can see a selection of past projects with info about the individual equipment of the systems.
Sport Software for Ski Jumping. Gymnastics. Swimming. Handball. High Diving. Boxing. Volleyball. All.
Ski Jumping at the OSP Thuringia
Ski Jumping at the OSP Thuringia
11 cameras follow the athlete on his way down to the jump - markerless and automatic. The light barriers trigger the images. Annoying buttons press adé.
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High Diving at the OSP Rostock
High Diving at the OSP Rostock
Direct feedback via Time-Shift enables an effective workout. Athletes can see themselves directly after the jump without having to interrupt their training or stop the video.
Water polo at the olympic base in Lower Saxony
Water polo at the olympic base in Lower Saxony
4 PTZ cameras with preset shooting situations ensure that all perspectives can be adjusted with one click. In addition, great importance was attached to a high mobility at the pool edge and to shock-protected cameras.
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Ski jumping in Oberstdorf
Ski jumping in Oberstdorf
The two largest ski jumps of the "Audi Arena Oberstdorf" were equipped with a video analysis system from ccc. The system is equipped with 8 lateral cameras each, an "observer camera" for athlete recognition and a PTZ camera ("rear camera").
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Swimming at the OSP Hamburg
Swimming at the OSP Hamburg
The athletes are always in sight - both over- and underwater. Together with the IAT we developed a solution for the swimming channel and the indoor swimming pool.
Men's gymnastics in Kienbaum
Men's gymnastics in Kienbaum
18 cameras record the athletes on different gymnastics equipments. Three additional cameras optimally complement the system. This way, the perspectives on the athletes can be varied.
To the project report
Beach volleyball at the OSP Hamburg
Beach volleyball at the OSP Hamburg
The video can be watched in real time or slow motion in the aftershoot or directly during the workout via time shift. This allows direct feedback during the training.
Boxing at the OSP Schwerin
Boxing at the OSP Schwerin
PTZ cameras pan on the ring that is currently in focus. Additional cameras from above give the important overview. With 100 frames per second, the coaches do not miss a single movement.
And Your Project?
You want to optimize your training? Equip your training facility with professional technology? Tell us a little about your wishes and ideas!