Handball is the second most popular team sport in Germany after soccer. At the same time, the sport is becoming increasingly professionalized. This makes it all the more important for teams to stand out from the competition. To meet this challenge,
Game observation in handball: Easier with the right software
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine professional soccer without match observation. However, the importance of match observation in handball is also increasing more and more. For several years now, game observations with the help of software have been a central component of modern handball training.
Soccer game analysis with software: Here's how!
Soccer match analysis - today also called "match analysis 3.0" - has changed a lot in recent years: Tactics and strategy have always been very important in professional soccer. In the past, however, the coach only analyzed possession, successful passes, and runs.
Working student develops program to create training datasets for 3D pose extraction
Our solutions for video analysis in sports generate lots of video files of athletes from different perspectives. This gave one of our working students from the University of Leipzig the idea for his master's thesis: Would it be possible to use the existing data to create a training data set
Multi-camera system for water polo at the Lower Saxony Olympic Training Center completed
Am 29. April 2019 erfolgte nach erfolgreicher erster Testphase die Projektabnahme für das Multikamerasystem in der Schwimmhalle des Olympiastützpunktes Niedersachsen.Für den Einbau des Systems wurde die Sommerpause 2018 genutzt, als das Wasser aus dem Schwimmbecken abgelassen wurde. In der
Camera system developed for ski jump in Oberhof
An der Rennsteigschanze in Oberhof hat ccc ein Multikamerasystem installiert, das die Skispringer bei der Abfahrt und beim Sprung filmt und automatisch aus mehreren Kameraaufnahmen einen Video zusammen schneidet.Dabei wurden besondere Anforderungen an das Videoanalyse-System gestellt: Aufnahmen mit